Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Me and ADela: May 2006
13 May started when I went to the train station to pick up Adela (my cousin)... Not very hot day, on the contrary, it was quite cloudy and the wind was kind of blowing. But that week-end was great. We were together, we spoke in Romanian (what is the most important) and we visited a lot of places in the region where I live, in Poland. WE went to the mountains,hitch-hiking to Magurka (hi hi hi to the noninitiated J), we visited Żywiec – the town where the famous Polish beer is made – we visited Kraków (original pronounciation :P) and we went to Auschwitz (Oświęcim, in Polish) of course and we took a tour of the Polish capital – the one and only Warszawa..... Not to mention that we took long walks on the streets of Bielsko, on the hills and we ventured into all these experience with a lot of courage and with all the Polish that I had gained (JJJ) and with some more English, of course. Not to forget about maps... We needed that...badly ;) It was an unforgetttable experience that I don\t think it will happen again, very full of adeventures (the train to Warsaw at 3 am , we didn’t have Polish money because the ATM didn’t want to work – none of them – and we were a little bit scared of the consequences of this fact....), and fun (I laughed my asss off, excuse me for using this phrase, but it is the best way to express how much I laughed JJJJJJ:J:JJJJ) of good and BAD mood, of annoyance or of irritation (from my side, sometimes because of Adela’s constant questions starting with “Why...?”) She had the opportunity of meeting some of my frinds and my flat mates, she met Kuba also and she indeed TOOK A LOT OF PICTURES!!!!! There you go my little Japonese! :* She tried a little bit of the Polish dishes more or less delicious :D and she discovered the joy of buying souvenirs (at the thought of the joy it would bring ;)).... Oh, and how could I forget???? She played the guitar and she was indeed proud of herself (and so you should have been ) since she had discovered some of the accords of one of Radiohead’s song.... Great, isn’t it? She then discovered the charms of my little female friend, my rabbit, Anisse and they have soon become friends... (“Din lumea celor care nu cuvanta” ;) ) And ever since the beginning she tried to handle this very complicated and mind boggling pronounciation of this cruel language – Polish!!!! Do you remember how to say one , two, three, in Polish, my dear? :::::::::D The week was long and at the same time short because we did a lot of things and because we were busy and trying to achieve something every time... J It was unique and the photos wil remain the best words to express that. I don’t want to sound melodramatic or melancholic or nostalgic (I’m reading Kundera, I know the etymology of the word - ha ha ha :J:J:J)
So , thanks Addela for tha nice time we had together and for the small presents (but all of them important for me :D) that you brought! Plus (a big + ) for the Romanian that I practised during your stay (and the litle bit of Spanish) ;)
I to jest koniec (as the Polish would say: And this is the end)....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Iata VEnetia, oras incantator (mai ales prin cantitatea de apa) prin arhitectura sa ce combina multe din stilurile romanesc, gotic, bizantin intr-un mod atat de unic, cum se infatisa privirilor noastre din tramvaiul pe apa (din care am vazut cum e posibila o greva in gondole....) AM facut multe poze si am reusit sa prind o mica parte din atmosfera de sarbatoare pe care o degaja mica parte - dar atat de reprezentativa - a Italiei. Dupa plimbari lungi, un pranz gustos si cumparaturi ne-am despartit de orasul luminat la apus de reflectiile soarelui in apa cristalina si am pornit pe autostrada catre Padova, locul in care aveam sa ne petrecem o noapte, in casa surorii lui Marek (soferul nostru polonez). Pana sa ajungem aici (lucru care s-a intamplat pe 29 aprilie, undeva spre seara)insa, am trecut prin experiente amuzante legate de traseele pe care le alegeam, nu intotdeauna cele potrivite.... Trebuie sa mentionez ca prima zi a excursiei noastre in Italia a fost destul de innorata si in noaptea petrecuta in Padova a si plouat. Am ajuns, am facut dus, am mancat si am dormit precum pruncii , inca de la 10 pm, pana la 7:30 cand eu si SAndy abia am reusit sa ii trezim pe baieeti.
END of Part II (putin si bun )
o Italia...
Italia pentru mine nu a fost o experienta covarsitoare (de asta nici nu am scris mai repede despre ea). Nu a fost o experienta covarsitoare pentru ca asteptarile mele au fost prea mari. Chiar daca trecusem prin Milano, vazusem si auzisem italieni, vazusem o parte din Italia(in 2004), totusi am avut impresia (inainte sa ajung in Roma, Venetia, Florenta, Vatican) ca locurile astea sunt extra-ordinare. Insa am fost dezamagita. Locurile astea spun o parte din istorie, sunt o parte din antichitate (lucru pe care il gasesc nemaipomenit - existenta relicvelor, a cladirilor, a muzeelor, dovezi a modului de viata, a existentei stramosilor nostrii, a inteligentei si a indemanarii lor). Insa Aushwitz este, de asemenea, o parte din istorie, de asemenea importanta. Poate asta e motivul... Sau poate il gasiti voi...
Calatoria mea a inceput in Bielsko, cand spre seara zilei de 28 aprilie am luat trenul (dupa ce m-am despartit de Kuba, care a tot incercat sa ma convinga sa nu plec) spre Katowice. AColo m-am intalnit cu Mark (trainee din Noa Zeelanda) si impreuna am purces catre Wroc³aw, unde aveam sa ne intalnim cu alti 2 trainee (SAndy si Hai, tot din Noua Zeelanda). Dupa o alta experienta pe caile ferate (din nou ceva in neregula cu biletul meu... dupa ce ca am stat in picioare 3 damn hours...)...dar am ajuns obositi in Wroc³aw. SAndy ne-a asteptat la gara, l-am cules si pe Hai si am mers catre cuibusorul (de nebunii, mai putin)lui SAndy, am imbucat cate ceva si ne-am asteptat soferul (alumnus AIESEC Wroc³aw). La 2 am am plecat in sfarsit. Acum , nu mai retin exact orele la care am ajuns la granita in Cehia si in Austria, insa stiu sigur ca toti ofiterii vamali aveau o intrebare "Roman"? Si nu se refera la stramosii nostri ci la locuitorii spatiului asta mioritic called Romania... MA rog, am trecut peste si am ajuns cu bine in minunata Venetie, dupa cateva pauze in care am mancat , am facut poze si ne-am distrat putin unii pe seama celorlalti si toti pe seama lui Mark (engleza cu deficiente... hi hi hi )....
Venetia a fost prima experienta italiana si cea mai interesanta din punct de vedere lingvistic... Pentru ca trebuia sa parcam si pentru ca parcarea costa, eu am fost cea care s-a dus sa intrebe de tarife (stiam cel mai bine italiana dintre toti). Dupa ce doamna mi-a raspuns foarte amabil, s-ar parea ca am simtit nevoia sa imi exprim gratitudinea raspunzandu-i intr-o limba pe care era putin probabil sa o cunoasca. Si raspunsul a venit prompt in poloneza: "Tak. Dziêkuje!"... Am facut haz de situatie si de poloneza mea si am parcat si am mers sa vizitam Venetia.... Situatia s-a repetat cand am intrebat despre costul unui taxi pe apa si cand am multumit printr-un "Dobrze." pierdut printre micile valuri venetiene. AM ras din nou si am promis ca data viitoare sa nu mai scot decat vreun "si" , "grazie" sau orice alt cuvant IN ITALIANA...
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