Saturday, December 13, 2008


how could this happen? We're all connected. very funny!!!! don't tell her! HI! /This is beyond my expectations... The universe will give us signs. I am not special. I am scared. the right path... Why insn't this working? Something is wrong. It is not time for you to go. It is not time for you to go. Does anyone have any idea who this is? This will be over in moments. knock! knock! Everything's right now. Come back to us now, come back to us! WE cannot stand here make belief. I did? Oh... Wait, no! You must try! Try! I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you! I think she misght be... an angel... I love you all so much!!!!!!.... Thank you for all you have done. Keep looking in his eyes! Thank you for saving my life! Silence.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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