Friday, June 26, 2009
Oscar si tanti Roz
Am dat peste o traducere mininata (in romaneste, bineinteles)a cartii scrise de E. Schmitt - Oscar si Tanti Roz ("Oscar et la dame rose"). Si de o fabula extraordinara... Ce ma unge la suflet si mi-a stors si vreo cateva lacrimi. De mult nu am mai scris despre carti, iar aici... n-am scris niciodata. E extraordinar cat de multa intelepciune si filosofie de viata si nadejde se afla in carticica asta. Mica dar plina. De da pe afara, chiar. Ei sunt personajele mele preferate. O sa ma gandesc la ei ceva vreme de acum incolo... pentru ca merita si ca merit. :)
Monday, June 22, 2009

I've been meaning to write about my latest French experience (and Italian) but I've just postponed it as I do about everything.
Note to self: get rid of this annoyign habit!!!
I wanted to write about this experience because I know I cannot trust my memory and beacuse there were so many beautiful and interesting things (without thinking stereotype interesting) that I just want to put my "focused" fingers to exercise. (What a long introduction!... phew!)
Iwona was the one "to blame" for my trip to Nice. And I was the one who suddenly said "Yes!". If I can go why not to choose to go? Thanks Iwona for everything! Thank you for preparing such delicious meals, for wandering with me the streets full of tourists, for arranging some of my trips, for having made the acquaintance of great people!...Thank you for all of that and much more and for being my friend! :) Yes, it's Iwona who invited me to Nice. She studies there and she wanted to have someone who speaks Polish next to her for a while... ;)
She came to pick me up at the train station in Nice when my train was delayed in Italy. One of the misteries of my trip is Why the hell trains in Italy are ALWAYS delayed??? Well, I could think of something... For example on my way to Nice - somewhere between Milan and Nice - the train just stopped then started and went 2 km/h for about one minute and one minute stopped and then again it started and again stopped and it went like that for like 20 times. And I am not exaggerting! In fact this was the greatest mistery... What was the conductor doing?!? Anyway, when I came back from Nice to Milan I had a double "portion":
1. in Nice there was a strike taking place, which sometimes can have side effects, trains do not circulate for example, same as 26th May - the day I was coming back. However, to my surprise, there was a bus waiting for all the passengers of that train that would take us to Ventimiglia, the city bording France and ITaly.
2. in Genoa the train stopped and waited more than it was supposed to(I suppose that the conductor had to finish his lunch or something...) and it carried on, after a while, with a small delay which after about 2-3 hours became more than an hour... hehe.. isn't that funny?
Eventhough, I had my share of heart beating faster and anxiety that day I made it to my plane in Bergamo a little bit earlier. What a relief!
Monday, June 01, 2009
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