“I think Poland chose me and not the other way
around. And when I say this I realize how important it
is to be open and flexible when it comes to choosing
the country for your traineeship and how many things
you can get out of this experience.
My traineeship helped me concentrate on the needs of
the students and prioritize my own needs both as a
teacher and as a person. Professionally, I am
convinced that I matured very much, taking into
account only the fact that I am speaking only in
English and that my knowledge have enlarged once I
started learning Polish. Working with people is very
difficult and the teaching experience has served me a
lot to understanding and getting to know people better
and find the proper ways in dealing with them and
their needs. I’ve learnt how to respond to them. I
have to mention that I met some very nice teachers,
colleagues of mine that helped me a lot, especially in
the integration stage.
Just like my colleagues, the teachers, I found very
nice people always willing to help me and guide me,
that have later become my friends. Because of them my
stay in Poland was and still is very successful, from
the personal point of view.
As it comes to talking about Poland I could see that
it is not very different from Romania but I couldn’t
have learnt this without going on this traineeship.
Because of the fact that I spent so much time in here
and due to the fact that I have a lot of friends I can
say that it has become my second nation.
Moreover, the places that I visited reminded me a lot
of Romania, the mountainous landscapes, the medieval
cities, the rivers, the buildings seem to share a
little bit of the same culture and history. Obviously,
they have their uniqeness and a specific Polish
However, in what the AIESEC experience is concerned,
I took part in some conferences and I am trying to get
involved in this small branch of @ Katowice as much as
I can. Eventhough there are not as flourishing as LC
Sibiu activities’ are, I am sure the road will take us
there where the sun shines for us, for me and all the
members of the future LC Bielsko-Biala.
In conclusion I can only say that such an experience
can show you a lot of things from different
perspectives, things that can help you grow and help
others grow too. I feel that this traineeship brought
me more than I can write about. It is more than
friends, new culture, new civilization, personal and
professional development, confidence, optimism,
knowledge or faith. How could I describe it better
than “larger than life?”