Am citit, da. Si raspunsul e ca 1 ianuarie e inceputul tuturor inceputurilor pentru oamenii normali. Fiecare are nevoie sa stie ca de acum inainte lucrurile pot lua o alta itorsatura, se pot schimba in mai bine si asta ii face sa vrea sa isi doreasca anumite lucruri, sa promita sa faca anumite lucruri si de acolo depinde de ei cum vor decurge lucrurile (intr-o anumita masura). Noi, oamenii suntem fiinte si cu slabiciuni, printre altele. Asta e momentul in care ne simtim mai puternici pentru ca nu stim ce ne asteapta dar incercam sa pacalim un pic destinul, ne facem reguli si devenim dintr-o data superstitiosi.
Concluzia: Avem nevoie de un astfel de inceput si implicit de un bun sfarsit.
1 ianuarie? Asta e o intrebare buna.
"Anul Nou este prima zi dintr-un an calendaristic [1]
Stabilirea religioasă a datei de 1 ianuarie ca început de an a avut loc pentru prima dată în 1691 prin papa Inocenţiu al XII-lea. Înainte Crăciunul avea rolul începutului de an nou. "
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
ME versus the others

I was just wondering how it is and where we cross the line when it comes to the others. BEcause I should learn more about that.
We definitely feel happy for ourselves when anything positive happens to us. We work for ourselves, read for ourselves, have fun for ourselves, cook for ourselves, live for ourselves. However, there comes a moment when there's someone else involved. And then, we don't live only for ourselves, we don't just cook for ourselves, we don't buy and work for ourselves. Some of the things we used to do only for ourselves are not only for ourselves anymore. Whether it's a child, a boy/girlfriend, a spouse, one of our kin... My question is: do we really think of that/those person(s)altruistically or is it just because we believe in that law of the universe that the more you give the more you get back? Is there any selfish need in our helping our fellow human beings? Any selfish need in that? Or is there the selfish bit and the altruistic bit?
I cannot seem to be able to find the answer for that. Because everytime I give something, I do something for someone else it feels different. It seems that we cannot be completely and totally altruistic. It is not in our nature. If I come to think of it, back at our beginnings as hunters, there is no altruism in those human beings, in our ancestors. So, I suppose that we "grew" that feature, let's say... But it was never pat of us. So, we keep hunting and trying to make the best of OUR lives.
Just a ...
Why there is nothing clear? I don't know what to expect, I can't talk to anybody about it as if I had done something wrong. This is really great, at least from my point of view. It may mean a lot of work and I mean A LOT but this is a huge chance. The chance I was looking for.
I am sorry to disappoint you, Mister, with this post and not only but to me this is something different than laughing at myself and at the world. I cannot do that. Or let's better put it like that: "I cannot do that all the time, most of the time". I wish I could take distance from almost everything but I can't. If they are out of my life then yes, otherwise....
I am sorry to disappoint you, Mister, with this post and not only but to me this is something different than laughing at myself and at the world. I cannot do that. Or let's better put it like that: "I cannot do that all the time, most of the time". I wish I could take distance from almost everything but I can't. If they are out of my life then yes, otherwise....
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Prabusirea in randul martienilor nu ti-ar face viata mai usoara. Dorind o sudare si o unire a identitatilor contrastante nu-ti va servi la imersiunea visata. Cele 11 secunde nu vor fi niciodata mai scurte si lipsite de amestecare. Pentru a o crea e de ajuns sa o vrei. Sa vrei sa-ti imaginezi cum malurile ajung la tine, cum pesterile se deschid si-ti lumineaza calea, cum soarele iti zambeste si te lasa sa admiri stralucirea, cum norii se apropie de pamant si te cauta si te admira... nu e eliberarea de negativ. E numai farmecul imaginarului. E o clipa trecuta din viata precedenta transformata de tiparnita cenusie intr- o aventura de dragoste cu elementele naturii. Aclamati acea parte. Vedeti-o in intregime! Luati tot ce vi se ofera! Clipa suspendata e imaginatia recurenta. Nevoia vine din dorinta de a scapa de o torida si morbida realitate . O realitate neagra si sumbra care cheama prin nevoie. O realitate ce alearga odata cu timpul si se opreste atunci cand lira incepe sa glasuiasca, cand livezile infloresc, cand padurile primesc vietuitoarele si le indeamna la viata idilica, cand vantul adie usor, cand raurile soptesc povesti de dragoste, idile si legende, cand soarele straluceste fara a dogori si cand ploaia cade ca o simfonie peste calmul adevaratului eden. CAnd marea ingana cerul si pasarile si cand apele ei spala tarmul insetat, cand dorintele devin sentimente si ura iubire, oamenii Terrei joaca in hore si imnurile sunt intonate toate intr-o voce, cand pamantul canta, cerul canta, apele canta... CAnd vremea va veni viorelele vor mangaia fruntile soldatilor morti, panselutele se vor aseza in locul copiilor adormiti.
Viata lor e atat de scurta! Atat de lipsita de timp si de irealitate. Zburam atat de aproape si totusi atat de departe unii de altii si abia ne auzim strigatele. Ne otravim de cele mai multe ori si apoi incercam sa ne salvam cu lacrimi in ochi. Lupta perpetua ce duce la eliminare va servi intotdeauna cuiva, insa niciodata cui trebuie... Intotdeauna paradoxul e preferabil si ironia invinge. Necrutatoare! Ireala! Magnifica! SAngeroasa! terifica! Inaltatoare!
how could this happen? We're all connected. very funny!!!! don't tell her! HI! /This is beyond my expectations... The universe will give us signs. I am not special. I am scared. the right path... Why insn't this working? Something is wrong. It is not time for you to go. It is not time for you to go. Does anyone have any idea who this is? This will be over in moments. knock! knock! Everything's right now. Come back to us now, come back to us! WE cannot stand here make belief. I did? Oh... Wait, no! You must try! Try! I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you! I think she misght be... an angel... I love you all so much!!!!!!.... Thank you for all you have done. Keep looking in his eyes! Thank you for saving my life! Silence.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Friday, December 12, 2008
Just believe

I am so excited! I don't know if to cheer, applaud, jump high to manifest my joy or just keep quiet and wait until it becomes official. I will be taking a new road, for now just a path, however I cannot stop feeling happy and content about it. I am sure now that teh answer is believing. I do believe.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ce pot să spun? Că am ajuns să văd şi Parcul Copou, adică Iaşi-ul :) Iasi e un simbol pentru romani si mai ales pentru moldoveni (ai nostri – de fapt ). Pentru mine cred ca nu a fost niciodata un loc insemnat. Si ce daca acolo au avut loc o multime de evenimente istorice (importante sau foarte importante in istoria poporului roman)? Si ce daca aici s-au nascut o multime de personalitati? Doar s-au nascut personalitati in toata tara. Insa niciodata nu am fost atat de aproape de istorie ca sa simt ca intr-adevar asta e unul din locurile importante din tara noastra. Ce ciudat suna! :) Insa, intr-adevar am vazut Copoul (care nu m-a impresionat in nici un fel prin maertia sa)si cred ca am inteles intr-o mica masura ca e un loc ca oricare altul, care insa a oferit o atmosfera de necomparat mai marilor nostri poeti, istorici, muzicieni, pictori si lumii de rand.
Vremea n-a tinut cu mine asa ca a adaugat la cenusiul orasului. A adurât chiar parcului un cenusiu de toamna. SI poate ca daca as fi fost singura ar fi fost mai romantic, sau melancolic parcul - revenind la istorie, la marii romani ce s-au perindat pe aici, la singuratate, la vremea mohorata si la celebrele poeme si poezii.
Nu stiu de ce vin de fiecare data intr-un anume loc cu astepteri. As vrea sa ma dezbrac de « haina » asta. Sa vad locul respectiv intr-o singura lumina, doar cand ajung sa il cunosc. Ca exista intotdeauna nuante e foarte normal, ajungi sa cunosti partile bune si mai putin bune, poate chiar in profunzime. I hate the fact that I have expectations and I didn’t even have the time to see it entirely so that I can round my opinions…. Arghhh!!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008

The best solution.... writing. Whenever I feel down. whenever something doesn't work out. Whenever I've been left down. Whenever I have nothing to say. whenever I FEEL too much. Whenever I am alone. Whenever I feel alone. Whenever I am desperate and depressed. Whenever I have nothing to do. Whenever I feel like crying. Whenever I loose my self-confidence. Whenever I feel home-sick. Whenever I don't have money.Whenever I need talking to God. Whenever I'm sober. Whenever I have something to say. Whenever I want myself black on white. Whenever I miss myself. Whenever I have suicidal thoughts. WheneverI screw up. Whenever I feeel ugly and useless. Whenever I want to find myself. Whenever I miss Kuba. Whenever I'm upset with the world.Whenever is 19:44. Whenever Irving Stone or Isaac Bashevis Singer feed my thoughts.Whenever life is too much for me. Whenever................................................................
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Prin perfectiune

CE este perfectiunea? CE inseamna a fi perfect? CE e perfect? Cine a inventat cuvantul, notiunea asta - (a fi) PER-FECT!
Poate Dumnezeu. A vrut sa ine faca sa intelegem ca nu o sa intelegem niciodata ce inseamna a fi perfect. Poate a vrut sa se descrie pe el, si a facut-o pe limba lui. Si incercam sa intelegem.
Tot incercam sa fim prefecti, da nu ne iese. Eu incerc tot timpul sa fiu mereu cu un pas mai aproape de perfectiune. DE fiecare data imi dau seama ca sunt mai departe decat atunci cand "am pornit".
Perfectionist - e cel care se straduieste sa faca totul perfect. Am incercat sa apropiem notiunea de specia umana, sau sa ii dam un sens mai omenesc. Sunt perfectionista? Sunt. Am intalnit perfectionsiti fericiti? Me tem ca nu. Incearca sa-si depaseasca conditia. Si care ar fi continuarea? Cunoastem multe cazuri... Ma rog, eu personal, nu cunosc. Vorbesc asa , in general... Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa fiu un nebun, cu lumea mea la subrat. SA o port cu mine mereu, ca sunt vesel, ca sunt trist. SI sa imi alin tristetile cu nebunia mea. Sa fie un fel de medicament. DEci asa... sa fie medicament. Asta am vrut.... Sa pot sa spun: "Lumea mea e perfecta. Din pacate nu puteti constata acest lucru. E a mea. Si nu aveti aces decat daca puteti sa va inchipuiti ca sunteti .... Micul Print , sa zicem. De-adevaratelea." Atunci...poate o sa putem merge impreuna, in lumea mea perfecta.
Unde sunt?
Am incercat sa ma simt perfect azi si nu am reusit. Poate ca lumea din jurul meu nu e perfecta mi-am zis. Asa mi-am zis azi-dimineata. Si am rasuflat usurata. Ahhh, nu e din vina mea. Si am mers mai departe. Insa am inceput sa reflectez. DE ce li se pare ca sunt atat de imperfecta? Oare pt ca sunt? (Am simitit cum oglinda s-a spart). SI unde e perfectionismul meu?
Cred ca de mult am incetat sa mai fiu perfecta si perfectionista - atunci cand am inceput sa fiu perfectionsita si perfecta. SI inca mai sunt. Imperfecta. SI o sa fiu mereu. O sa scap oare de teama asta? Ca o sa fiu mereu asa? Cred ca nebunii-n lumea lor sunt fericiti. SI cum as fi vrut eu sa fiu si perfectionista si nebun? Asta e inca o dovada ca nu pot fi perfecta...
Am incercat sa-i condman pe cei de langa mine de perfectionalitate. Cred a nu exista un astfel de cuvant. Nici o problema. Nici perfectiunea nu exista si doar exista termen pt ea. ... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Mi-e somn de durere.Mi-e frica de lumina. Doare tacerea! Si eu incerc sa ii invinovatesc pe ceilalti. Eu am inceput deja sa fiu in lumea mea. Am cam luat-o inspre luminisul lumii mele. Sa caut perfectiunea, sau nebunia. Nu-i asa ca iarba-i perfecta?
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The Tenerife Days

13 May 2008
I am sitting on this balcony watching the people go by, listening to the falling water in mini cascades (you cannot pretend not to hear this), listening to some news in Spanish, looking at the giant volcanic mount/pile of stones and thinking what tomorrow will bring.
Palm trees, sun, happy people, smiling faces, Spanish, English, almost anything at our disposal. It’s like a dream, like heaven. But it’s not. I know that on Friday I will be looking forward to going home (NOOOOOT) with all the memories, the timid tan and the souvenirs. I’ve always dreamt of such a vacation, to spend my time as I do but I always knew (at the same time) that I won’t be able to go on living for long something like that without the people. Those people. The ones I love, miss and long to be with.
Today, we visited the Mount Tiede This was a great trip, we drove around the island and we (of course) bought souvenirs. 100% tourists. :) Besides, we went to the beach and I swam for the first time in my life in the Atlantic Ocean.
14 May 2008
I was sun burnt to that extent that I ‘m not even sure if this is the correct date…. But I checked it quickly in my mind. I think it is. :)
Today was a full day as well. We went to give back the cars, we returned the keys, we paid and we went to the 9 o’clock meeting – the team building. This happened in a conference room. All the 83 Capgemini participants were gathered there, asked to draw a map for their group and to find a name for it i.e. the group.
15 May 2008
The one before the last day….
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